notice the hero around you.
discover the hero within.
Hello Hero is an invitation for connection and meaningful conversation with your child. This book creates a space to explore, "How did you Hero today?" opening dialogues about unseen challenges and victories.
conversation starters:
how did you use your hero powers today?
- How did you use your kindness powers today?
- How did you use your helping powers today?
- Did anyone use their kindness powers to help you?
- What is something kind that you can tell yourself?
Stay tuned for the full Hello Hero guide, coming soon!

how did you use your hero powers today?
Have this question on your radar and be prepared with observations:
I noticed how you helped your little brother pour his juice!
It made me feel so good when you said ‘Thank you for dinner!’
You used your kindness powers to put away the groceries, call Grandma, or invite a friend to join you!
Share about your day.
Model by sharing your age-appropriate wins with your child.
I used my kindness powers to reach out to a lonely neighbor!
I used my brave powers to have a tricky conversation!
I used my kindness powers to do the laundry so you have clean clothes to wear.